Membership information

Membership benefits include:

Information on the Society and on forthcoming events such as international and regional
telecommunications conference proceedings
Discounts as announced for ITS events and publications
Occasional special discounts on ITS conference proceedings
Complimentary subscription to Telecommunications Policy (11 issues per year)
Access to the ITS Listserv

Benefits vary between the different membership groups.

There are three categories of memberships: Individual Membership, For-Profit Corporation Membership and
Non-Profit or Governmental Membership.

A. Individual (including Academic) Membership
One year membership: $125(USD)

B. For-Profit Corporation Memberships (includes PTTs)
Global Membership: $6,000(USD) per year
International Membership: $3,000(USD) per year
Societal Membership: $1,500(USD) per year

C. Non-Profit or Governmental Memberships
1-100 Employees: $500(USD) per year
101 and over Employees: $1,000(USD) per year

Please look at:
for more details on membership benefits!

For membership application forms please go to: