Call for Papers for the ITS Europe 2014 Conference
Disruptive innovation in the ICT industries: Challenges for European business and policy
After several waves of digital innovation in the converged telecoms, media, consumer electronics, IT and web applications domains, the disruptive effects of these innovations are now becoming fully visible at the European and global scale. In many industries, legacy players are struggling hard to adapt their business models or are simply being replaced. Successful innovators are faced with great challenges to scale up, and have to come up with totally new ways of doing business. Consumers are confronted with fast-evolving usage contexts in which social networks, recommendation services and search technologies capture their personal data and influence consumption of an increasing array of services on a variety of devices anywhere, anytime and anyplace. Policy makers and regulators are once again forced to rethink their frameworks because of the rise of a new ICT ecology revolving around powerful platform firms. All of this implies that opportunities and challenges for industry, for policy and regulation, and for research on these topics, have never been greater.
Taking place in Brussels, the epicenter of European digital policy making, the ITS Europe 2014 conference responds to these and other issues by bringing together academics, policy makers, industry analysts, incumbents and challengers to present and discuss their findings. A broad range of topics related to telecom economics and regulation, broadband and next generation networks, new services and business models, media, content and telecoms, emerging policy issues, ICT and economic development are welcome as subjects for papers and panel sessions:
European ICT policy towards 2020 |
Next generation networks |
New services and features of the digital ecology |
Business aspects of ICT |
Additional relevant topics are also welcomed. Authors of selected papers from the conference will be invited to submit to special issues of Telecommunications Policy as well as other international peer-reviewed academic journals.
Important deadlines:
24 February: Deadline for Abstracts and Panel Session Suggestions
15 March: Notification of Acceptance
9 June: Deadline for Final Papers and Panel Session Outlines
22-25 June: ITS 2014 Regional Conference in Brussels, Belgium
Submission of Abstracts:
Abstracts should be about 2 pages (800 to 1000 words) in length and contain the following information:
Title of the contribution
A research question
Remarks on methodology
Outline of (expected) results
Bibliographical notes (up to 6 main references used in the paper)
All abstracts will be subject to blind peer review by at least two reviewers.
On-line Submission:
ITS 2014 Brussels is using the Easychair online submission system. To submit an abstract, please go to the ITS 2014 Brussels "Online submission page" :
The page can also be accessed via the ITS website at: Submission
If you do not have an account with Easychair you must set one up. If you have used Easychair as an author or reviewer for a previous conference, you can reuse your existing password and account. Please ensure that your abstract is anonymised. You will be invited to enter your personal information into a separate section.
If you have questions please contact: its2014brussels (at)
Local Organising Committee:
Pieter BALLON, iMinds-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Chair)
Sven LINDMARK, iMinds-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Luciano MORGANTI, iMinds-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Sofie VERBRUGGE, iMinds-IBCN, Universiteit Gent
Brigitte PREISSL, German National Library of Economics, Hamburg, Germany
Jason WHALLEY, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK
Call for Papers as pdf