ITS 33rd European Conference 2025

Edinburgh, Scotland, 29th June – 1st July 2025


European regional conference of the International Telecommunications Society

Digital innovation and transformation in uncertain times

We are in the midst of a period of rapid digital transformation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grabbed many headlines – its capabilities have rapidly and significantly developed, fuelled by significant investment by Big Tech. AI is permeating the whole economy, promising far-reaching changes in the production and dissemination of content. But as AI diffuses across the economy, it raises issues around how content is created and its ownership. And AI created deepfakes have emerged, questioning how online content is policed as well as its veracity determined. AI also raises concerns about privacy, especially as large amounts of data are integral to its development.
While Big Tech has been heavily investing in AI, their existing businesses have been challenged by regulators. Regulatory initiatives, emanating from the European Union (EU) and the United States, have resulted in new obligations being imposed, large fines levied and the possibility of structural changes raised. And the EU has eventually, after many years, won its case against Apple over the tax advantages associated with its base in Ireland. These developments collectively question the basis on which Big Tech operates, in terms of their dominance of key markets as well as how they integrate their services to create a seamless experience for users.

The International Telecommunications Society (ITS)

About ITS

The International Telecommunications Society (ITS) is an association of professionals in the information, communications and technology sectors. ITS is an independent, non-aligned and not-for-profit organisation with a worldwide network of about 400 members. ITS provides a forum where academic, private sector, and government communities can meet to identify pressing new problems and issues, share research results, and form new relationships and approaches to address outstanding issues.


ITS 33rd European Conference

Edinburgh, Scotland, 29th June – 1st July 2025



Local Organizer

Dr Paolo GERLI
Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK

ITS Europe

Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society & TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Professor Jason WHALLEY
Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK