24th European Regional
International Telecommunication Society Conference
Technology, Investment and Uncertainty
Badia Fiesolana
Via dei Roccettini, 9 - San Domenico di Fiesole
20-23 October 2013
Sunday, 20 October
18.00-21.00 Welcome Reception Hotel Astoria Boscolo Via del Giglio, 9 – Firenze
Monday, 21 October
08.30-09.00 Registration
09.00-09.30 Opening Session
Erik Bohlin | ITS Chairman
Brigitte Preissl | Conference Co-chair
Pier Luigi Parcu | Conference Co-chair
09.30-10.00 Plenary Session
Chair: Pier Luigi Parcu | Florence School of Regulation, EUI
The impact of regulation on operator strategies and investments
Göran Marby | Director-General, Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS)
and chair-elect for 2014 of BEREC
Lucilla Sioli | Head of Unit F4 Knowledge Base, DG Connect
Steffen Hoernig | Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.30 Parallel Session 1
Spectrum 1 – Allocation
Spectrum auctions: The combinatorial clock auction and its complexities
Knapek & Wambach
Spectrum licensing, policy instruments and market entry
Madden, Bohlin, Tran & Morey
Analysis of different authorization approaches for the shared access to radio spectrum
Castrucci, Carciofi, Guiducci,& Barbiroli
From hybrid TV toward transmedia: Recent marketing advances of the DTV
and new media developments
Hsu & Shih
The role of media and ICT in the post-quake restoration and recovery progress: A case of the Great East Japan earthquake
Mitomo, Otsuka, Jeon & Cheng
European Union 1
Bandwidth requirements in a 2020 perspective
Henten, Falch & Tadayoni
To what extent does network neutrality impact network investment? What are the consequences of this policy and how does it help or hinder reaching the EU’s 2020 goals?
Broadband access in the EU: An assessment of future economic benefits
Gruber, Hätönen & Koutroumpis
Digital services 1
Cloud computing. Old and new legal challenges under an IP perspective
An exploratory study of consumer attitudes towards mobile ticketing in Sweden
Apanasevic, Markendahl & Arvidsson
Regulation challenges for competition managed services vs. OTT services
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Parallel Session 2
Spectrum 2
Business models and investment options for use of licensed shared access of spectrum
Markendahl, Widaa & Mölleryd
From spectrum management perspective to examine Taiwan’s switchover policy
European influence in ITU-R: The end of an era of dominance?
El-Moghazi, Whalley & Irvine
Moving from common and control to flexible use and to a spectrum commons
Prasad & Sridhar
Privacy 1
Do recruiters 'Like' it? Privacy and online social network profile in hiring: A randomized experiment
Manant, Pajak & Soulié
Privacy notice for dummies? Towards European guidelines on how to give ‘clear and comprehensive information’ on the use of cookies in order to protect the internet users’ right to online privacy
The law and economics of intermediaries of personal information
Local loop unbundling
The influence of local loop unbundling on investment by incumbent telecommunications operators in the OECD member countries
Okamoto & Nakamura
Investment incentives under local deregulation: Evidence from the United Kingdom
Fabritz & Falck
The relation between local loop unbundling and investment in fixed telephony
Pachis & Yannelis
How to price the unbundled local loop in the transition from copper to fibre access networks?
Neumann & Vogelsang
Play It Save: Consumer choice under four-part tariffs with cost caps
Köhler & Krämer
Nonlinear pricing; self-selecting tariffs and regulation
Alleman, Baranes & Rappoport
Price collusion in geographically segmented markets – Empirical evidence and policy implications
Horstmann & Krämer
From mobile voice to quadruple-play: estimation of willingness to pay for ADSL and FTTH
by analyzing consumer choice
Digital services 2
Research on user resistance to acceptance of IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment) System
Kim, Nam & Kim
Digital service platforms in the ICT industry – A systematization of strategic archetypes
Kuebel & Zarnekow
The dilemma of electronic books in the mobile age in Taiwan
Electronic communication services in the world of applications: Challenges for regulation
Ruhle & Freund
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-17.30 Parallel Session 3
Panel session 1: European market structures in the long term
Moderator: Paul de Bijl | CBP, The Netherlands
Participants: Johannes Bauer | Michigan State University, USA
Steffen Hoernig | Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Scott Marcus | WIK, Germany
Mobile 1
The impact of spectrum licenses on competition. The case of 4G deployment in Spain
Ventura, Frías & Pérez
Technological neutrality and standards harmonization: WiMAX spectrum in Taiwan as a case study
Opportunities and challenges for TV and mobile broadband in 470-790 MHz
Shi, Sung & Zander
Strategy scenario selection in the competition of mobile ecosystems
Lee & Kim
Broadband – speed, quality & bandwidth
Impact of sector-specific regulation on ICT infrastructure quality
Bauer, Zenhäusern & Schneider
The effects of asymmetric regulation on the quality of broadband networks
Will broadband pricing support 1Gbps services?
Domingo & Lehr
The impact of broadband speed on the household income
Rohman & Bohlin
Regulation 1
Reconsider the telecommunication and media regulatory framework in Taiwan: Using the new emerged media as examples
Regulations for and against cooperation in smallcells - how could regulations stimulate co-opetition by supporting sharing
Ghanbari, Markendahl & Widaa
Regulation to promote competition in the bimodal broadband industry
Tuesday, 22 October
09.00-10.30 Parallel Session 4
Mobile regulation
Jurisdictional competition and the regulation of wireless service in Canada
Schmidt & Hamilton
New European developments in international mobile roaming: Where are we headed?
Marcus & Philbeck
Regulatory fallacies in global telecommunications: The case of international mobile roaming
Knieps & Zenhäusern
Privacy 2 – Personal information
The value of personal information in e-commerce transactions: the impact of socio-economic characteristics in the UK
Palacios, Gijón, Gómez-Barroso & Feijóo
The value of personal information in the e-commerce market
Jitsuzumi & Koguchi
Control privacy information explosion with data apotosis eco-system
Shinohara & Kunishi
National experiences
Policymaking for the PSTN-to-IP ransition within federalism: Lessons from U.S. v. Canadian experimentation
Overview of the issues relating to the enforcement and review of regulatory decisions in a small Member State such as Malta
Russia’s information and communication technologies and innovative economy infrastructure formation
Petukhova & Strepetova
Online & Innovation
Assessing access problems in online media platforms
Valcke, Wahyuningtyas & Graef
Competition in and for digital markets: The impact of new entrant’s strategic investments in a dynamic duopoly
Kuchinke & Vidal
Covariance structural analysis of innovation and ICT use among Japanese innovative SMEs
Idota, Bunno & Tsuji
Structure of technology evolution: The way in which ICT industry emerged in Korea
Kim, Jung, Lee & Hwang
Environmental & ethical aspects of ICT
ICT and efficiency of transport infrastructure
Yoon & Na
Toward a capacity efficient, cost efficient and power efficient deployment strategy for indoor mobile broadband
Widaa, Markendahl & Ghanbari
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.30 Parallel Session 5
Spectrum 3
Introduction of dynamic spectrum management technologies: the role of market structure and spectrum policy
Basaure & Sridhar
A new institutional perspective on share spectrum access issues
Bunel & Lescop
Secondary access to the radar spectrum bands: regulatory and business implications
Obregon, Sung & Zander
Using the lower UHF bands for commons & events
Elsner & Weber
The validity of unlicensed spectrum for future local high-capacity services
Kang, Sung & Zander
Next generation access
Geographically differentiated NGA deployment
Tselekounis, Xylogianni, Varoutas & Martakos
Economic aspects of hybrid fiber and copper-based access networks
Rendon Schneir & Xiong
Economic replicability tests for next generation access network
Jaunaux & Lebourges
Access regulation and geographic deployment of a new generation infrastructure
Flacher & Jennequin
Traffic – Trends & management
On the weal and woe of internet traffic management in Europe
Institutions, regulation and governance of the internet; A European perspective on traffic, uses and business practices in the digital economy
Liebenau, Elaluf-Calderwood & Karrberg
Reporting policies of ISPs: do general terms and conditions (GTCs) match with the reality?
Grove, Agic & Sedlmeir
The profitability of internet user tiering: an analysis of consumers’ willingness-to-pay for quality of service tiering
Krämer & Wiewiorra
Consumer issues
Residential mobile phone users’ complaints in Spain
Pérez-Amaral, Gijón, Garín-Muñoz & López
Consumer protection in mobile telecommunications across countries: A comparative study
López, Pérez-Amaral, Garín-Muñoz & Gijón
Mixed method research: Combining mobile logdata and questionnaires
Bouwman & de Reuver
Mobile 2
The analysis of mobile network switching determinants and policy implications in a developing country: A case study of Thailand
Keesookpun & Mitomo
Empirical analysis of the current Japanese mobile phone market: Focusing on the diffusion of smartphones
Shinohara, Akematsu, Morikawa & Tsuji
Complementing macrocell deficits with either smallcells or Wi-Fi - willingness to choose based on the cost-capacity analysis
Popescu, Ghanbari & Markendahl
Mobile resource sharing trends in developing and developed mobile markets (regulations and market forces)
Lasso, Widaa & Markendahl
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Parallel Session 6
Schools, kids and libraries
Are classroom internet use and academic performance higher after government broadband subsidies to primary schools?
Hyland, Layte, Lyons, McCoya & Sillesc
Public Internet access in areas of deprivation: The case of Glasgow
Anderson & Whalley
Role of the public ICT networks in facilitating innovation: Lessons from India and UK
Encouraging the development of telecommunication markets
Chirico & Gaal The role of public funding in telecommunications markets
PPP as a policy tool for generating rural access to broadband services
Broadband regulation efficacy in the presence of nationwide government network subsidies: Evidence from New Zealand
Sustainable broadband: A monitoring framework for broadband policy in rural areas in the Netherlands
Sadowski & Kirchholtes
Mobile applications
Analyzing the business model for m-payment from banks' perspective: An empirical study
Guo, Nikou & Bouwman
Driver’s intention to use smartphone-car connectivity
Park, Kim, Nam & Kim
Who is investing in Machine-to-Machine communications?
Laya, Bratu & Markendahl
Mobile broadband infrastructure and the usage of local online services
Fixed – mobile
Comparing and combining value network configurations for fixed and mobile access networks
Van der Wee, Evenepoel, Verbrugge, Lannoo & Pickavet
Mobile off-load and fixed-mobile competition
Analyzing competitive effects between fixed and mobile broadband
Wulf & Brenner
Dynamics of broadband demand: substitution or complementarity between fixed and mobile technologies? An application to the Portuguese case
Silva, Proença & Vareda
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-17.30 Parallel Session 7
Panel session 2: Machine-to-machine communications
Moderator: Jan Markendahl | KTH, Sweden
Participants: Harry Bouwman | Delft University of Technical, The Netherlands & Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Roberto Saracco | EIT ICT LABS
Staffan Movin | Marketing Technology Centre
Regulation 2
Reduction in unit prices in the telecommunication industry
Can optimal mechanisms for policy decisions be designed?
Estimation of monetary value of switching costs and network effects in mobile telecommunications. A stated preference approach
Sobolewski & Czajkowski
The impact of regulation and competition on the adoption of fibre-based broadband services: Recent evidence from the European Union Member States
Regulation, investment and efficiency in the transition to next generation networks: Evidence from the European Union
Rajabiun & Middleton
A unified framework for open access to telecommunications infrastructure
Krämer & Schnurr
Cooperation patterns in small cell networks - risks and opportunities to distinguish the win-win model
Ghanbari, Markendahl & Widaa
Net neutrality at international backbone provider level
Baglioni, Calabrese, Forcina, Levialdi & Lucarini
Measuring the Internet convergence: A comparative study for Thailand and Norway
Hallingby, Hartvikse, Elaluf Calderwood & Sørensen
Governing network neutrality: Public perception and policy capacity
The evolution of the generalized differentiated services architecture and the changing role of the Internet Engineering Task Force
18.00-21.00 Drinks and Conference dinner – Villa Viviani, via Gabriele D'Annunzio 230
Wednesday, 23 October
09.00-10.15 Parallel Session 8
European Union 2
Electronic communications regulation in Europe: The past and the future 20 years
Parcu & Silvestri
Single market considerations in the practice of BEREC: study of BEREC opinions in
Article 7/7a cases
Operators 1
The determinants of European telecommunication operators’ systematic risk
Does the number of mobile operators really matter for prices? A comprehensive ex-post evaluation of entries and mergers in European mobile telecommunication markets Csorba & Pápai
The formation of China’s mobile TV standards /regulations for future sustainable development – Socio-technical translation process study for the China’s Mobile TV standard
Chao & Fu-Cheng
A research on ICT standards management based on standards reusability analysis
Lee, Cha, Ha & Park
A comparison of regional standards collaboration activities of ETSI and ASTAP
Cha, Park & Lee
Swedish broadband
What makes people adopt an ultra-high speed (100 Mbit/s) broadband? An empirical study of the Swedish broadband market
Kongaut & Bohlin
How liberalised is the optical fibre broadband market? The case of Sweden
Sandgren & Mölleryd
10.14-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-12.00 Parallel Session 9
An economic cost model for network deployment and spectrum in wireless networks
Han, Sung & Zander
Investment strategies for different actors in the indoor mobile market in view of the emerging spectrum authorization schemes
Widaa, Markendahl & Ghanbari
Operators 2
Corporate governance, investment strategies, and reactions to unbundling regulation of broadband operators: Empirical analysis on Japan, Europe and the U.S.
Mitsuyama & Mitomo
The role of network sharing and M&A in improving operators’ profitability and moving towards a new industry structure
Mölleryd & Markendahl
From global aspirations to regional dominance: the changing international focus of Deutsche
Whalley & Curwen
VOD (video on demand): a business perspective
Collico Savio
The digitisation of media and content industries: what happened to EU public content?
Feijoo, Lindmark, Passel & Tarín
Ecosystems and complex systems
Managing the new normal: how we will learn to love uncertainty
The interaction of ICT networks structure and downstream trade flows: Bhutan and India
Giovannetti & Fennell
12.00-12.30 Summaries – Closing Session
Closing Summaries
Closing Remarks
Brigitte Preissl | International Telecommunications Society
Jason Whalley | Conference Organiser